The gunning down of openly gay Imam Muhsin Hendricks, published in last weekend's Weekend Argus highlights the disparity between believers.
My way or the highway seems to be the war cry of all hardline members of all faiths be they Christian, Muslim or any other group.
His holiness the Dalai Lama who describes his role as a conduit for all sentient human beings to connect with one another, favours and promotes love peace and acceptance between all human beings regardless of individualism.
He believes that only through acceptance can the human race survive. The Dalai Lama who doesn’t personally subscribe to a Creator believes that those who embrace traditional faith systems and believe in God are to be encouraged as pluralism is necessary for the survival of the human race.
Translated this means that only through acceptance and understanding of others, other belief systems, other lifestyles, other choices other sexual orientations, can all sentient human beings truly connect and in this way and make the world a better place. RIP Imam Hendricks.
*Colin Bosman