In a bid to shake off its racy reputation, The Gambia warns sex tourists to stay away



Published Aug 22, 2022


The Gambia, a small west African country on the border of Senegal, is known for its diverse wildlife and stunning scenery.

But there’s another side to the nation that its tourism authority would rather not be associated with – sex tourism.

It’s become a favoured destination for many elderly women seeking relationships with younger men.

In an effort to clear up its image, The Gambia has issued a stern warning to tourists wishing to seek a holiday of a salacious kind.

Instead, it wants to promote its many other attractions.

“What we want is quality tourists,” Abubacarr S.Camara, director of the Gambia Tourism Board, told Britain’s Express publication.

“Tourists that come to enjoy the country and the culture, but not tourists that come just for sex,” added Camara.

Young male sex workers, locally known as “beach boys,” have been known to take up offers from older foreign women while enjoying a night out.

According to The Express, beach boys can earn up to R4 000 per day, the equivalent of a month’s salary in The Gambia.

Many of their older clients include tourists from the UK, the Netherlands, Sweden and Germany.

For those looking to add the country to their bucket list, The Gambia is an affordable year-round destination.

Affectionately known as the Smiling Coast of Africa, its biggest draw cards are its beaches, birds, sunshine, the culture and friendly hospitality.

Hopefully, as it moves further away from its sex tourism tag, more tourists will get to experience and appreciate the country’s other redeeming features.

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