Weekly horoscope: insights for each zodiac sign

Michelle Aurets

Michelle Aurets

Published Feb 28, 2025



ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Being compassionate still allows you to say “no”. Be open-hearted to life in all its beauty, love and grace, giving new perspective and connection with others, while strengthening your own. Share willingly but avoid self-sacrifice and manipulation. Magic number: 11

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

You don’t need the full picture. Take one step. The next step will fall into place. Trusting your inner compass won’t disappoint. Follow your heart in the direction of choice as you build a solid foundation one step at a time. Magic number: 9

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Heed lessons offered from your past. Continue moving forward humbly and wiser, remaining open to continual growth through learning. Set your course for a brighter future that will allow you to flourish into a brighter version of yourself. Magic number: 4

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Deepen gratitude practices in life. Even the smallest is of a great gratitude. Faithful practice shifts current energies to allow greater abundance for you. Accept graciously with love and gratitude for all. Magic number: 6

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Choose to be the powerful being you are meant to be by healing your inner turmoils, affecting ripple effects outward and enhancing the well-being of others. Express your power responsibly, generously and lovingly with pure abandonment. Rise above the petty embracing higher vibrations of change. Magic number: 8

VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)

Be prepared in endeavouring to leap forward courageously. Express enthusiasm in new ventures, trusting the path to unfold as needed and relinquishing control over it. Believe you are supported. Remain focused on the goal ahead. Enjoy the journey. Magic number: 1

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Restore faith and trust that you are supported and guided with unfathomable love for all your needs. Trust the bigger picture - that you are surrounded with Divinely. You’re being tested. Grow through adversity. You don’t need the full picture. Magic number: 2

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

To be fully heard, listen with your body - hearing even inaudible whispers. Speak with clarity and purpose through a loving heart. Believe you are being intentionally heard. Remain gentle and authentic. Communication is key. Magic number: 7

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Give generously without expectation. Use your energy to support others’ needs. Service to others rewards you graciously with abundant energy in many ways. The benefits are an endless flow for all. Use this incredible gift. Magic number: 10

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Relaxation replenishes. Before considering your next adventures, remember that projects take time to unfold. No matter how, allow yourself to just be. Switch off or time-out. There is a higher energy, so you need to have greater focus to attention, and improved clarity for decision-making. Magic number: 12

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Kind actions and words make life kinder, especially for yourself. Accept graciously in return. Allow your heart to be touched by others, giving opportunities to express compassion, while deepening and strengthening your own heart. Life transforms beautifully through such practice. Magic number: 3

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Make a choice rather than remain stagnant. No wrong choices are made only realisations received of what you don’t want. Accept that growing from detours supports greater knowledge and experience. Exercise free will to choose again when you need to. Magic number: 5

Michelle Aurets is a healer, psychic medium, intuitive mentor, masseuse and regression therapist. She also teaches meditation and breath work. Aurets is passionate about holistic care and offers a small range of holistic products. She practises in Upper Highway, KZN. Find her on https://www.facebook.com/healing 1920. Contact her at 079 356 4657 or [email protected]

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