15 distinctions: Durban twins achieve academic excellence



Published Jan 18, 2023


Durban - Double the success, double the happiness.

Eighteen-year-old twin brothers Javashkaar and Javhar Naidoo of Kearsney College are among the high achievers at their school.

Javashkaar attained 8As. He wants to follow in his parents’ footsteps and study medicine.

“My mom is a GP and my dad is an orthopaedic surgeon. So it’s only fitting I find myself in the same field,” said Javashkaar of Musgrave.

“I have applied to four universities, the University of the Witwatersrand, Stellenbosch University, the University of Cape Town and the University of Pretoria. I have been provisionally accepted into two of them. I will decide on the university on the basis of my final results.”

He said while matric was challenging, talking to his sister and hanging out with his friends helped ease his stress.

“I also play the flute and piano, which helped with the matric tension.”

Javhar attained 7As and was inspired by his sister to enter the engineering field.

“I want to study mechatronic engineering because I have always felt passionate about renewable energy to conserve the world. I would love to explore this through engineering.

“I applied to the University of the Witwatersrand, Stellenbosch University, the University of Cape Town and the University of Pretoria and got accepted into all. I am in the process of applying to the University of California, Berkeley.

“During the matric year, I had a lot of mentor duties, being a prefect at a boarding school, which presented challenges with time management, but I always managed to find the time to do everything I needed.

“My hobbies are golf, cricket and reading. These activities helped me with the matric stress. I can’t lie. My brother and I have very different personalities but we usually love to play a round of golf together and joke around.”

“We studied together, but very little though. We were happier studying alone. We have different learning styles but we helped each other with a few concepts. It was a bit distracting at times, but it’s nice to have someone, who is so close, going through matric with you but we always gave each other space.

“If we have any advice for future matrics, it will be to manage your time well and be committed to your duties. Also, don’t be afraid to ask friends for support and always try to maintain a balance,” said Javhar.

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