Right 2 Justice wants Unisa’s Maimela to be probed

University of South Africa (Unisa) Director of Executive Support, in the Office of the Principal, and vice-chancellor David Maimela. Picture: Werner Beukes/SAPA

University of South Africa (Unisa) Director of Executive Support, in the Office of the Principal, and vice-chancellor David Maimela. Picture: Werner Beukes/SAPA

Published Jun 28, 2023


Johannesburg - Non-governmental organisation Right 2 Justice has called for the University of South Africa (Unisa) Director of Executive Support, in the Office of the Principal, and vice-chancellor David Maimela to be investigated.

The organisation said Maimela should be investigated for "the role he may have played in aiding Unisa Principal and Vice-chancellor (VC), Professor Puleng LenkaBula, and bringing down Unisa".

Maimela is seen as being too close to the VC and key to the alleged collapse of the institution.

This comes just as the university celebrated its 150th anniversary amid allegations of maladministration, supply chain challenges, and many other systemic problems at Unisa as uncovered by the Independent Assessor, Professor Themba Mosia.

This week, the Democratic Alliance (DA) called for Unisa to be placed under administration.

The NGO, through its deputy chairperson, Lonwabo Mtyando, has called on the police not to overlook Maimela, as he is believed to be the VC’s "trusted confidant and advisor."

"It is amazing that if there’s a stink in a high office, Maimela’s name comes up. In the COVID-19 PPE scandal that saw Health MEC Bandile Masuku fired, Maimela was Masuku’s confidant. Now, a repeat is playing out at the university, and Maimela is there. As students suffer financial exclusion and languish in poverty, the Assessor’s report reveals that LenkaBula demanded curtains to the value of R280 000 and a vehicle of 1.7 million.

"The assertion that LenkaBula oversaw a R15 billion profit in the university’s coffers is a gross misrepresentation. The institution was spared resources during the 2020 and 2021 lockdowns. That is not profit. It was incompetence. A VC who did not spend money on the imperatives of the university but enjoyed new crockery and a Mercedes-Benz GLE 400d."

No resources were spent on infrastructure, development, innovation, or recruitment. To this end, millions of assignments have still not been marked. The only human resource growth at the university was at the VC’s office; according to the assessor’s report, she doubled her office staff and even backdated their salaries by 15 years.

"That entire staff component was not even employed at the university 15 years ago. That can only be described as corrupt and criminal; LenkaBula and Maimela must be met with the law.

His reputation demands that he be investigated for the downfall of the VC’s office and the collapse of the university," Mtyando said.

However, speaking to The Star, Maimela refuted these claims and asserted that he has never been involved in the destruction of any institutions.

He said his track record with institutions such as the SABC spoke for itself.

"It is not true that I destroy institutions. I build institutions, and some of these institutions, including the SABC and Mapungubwe Trust, are still standing as we speak. I am available to meet with you so we can go through what is happening at Unisa," he said.

When asked to respond to Right 2 Justice’s assertions, Maimela said these were baseless.

"So you want me to respond to this seriously? I thought there were allegations sent to my supervisor or a case opened with the police.”

The Star