NFP concerned that International Criminal Court to issue an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s arrest warrant for war crimes charges is biased, says NFP. Picture: Mikhail Metzel Sputnik (AFP)

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s arrest warrant for war crimes charges is biased, says NFP. Picture: Mikhail Metzel Sputnik (AFP)

Published Mar 21, 2023


Johannesburg – The National Freedom Party (NFP) says that it was deeply concerned with the recent announcement by the International Criminal Court (ICC) to issue an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin on war crimes charges.

NFP leader in Parliament Ahmed Munzoor Shaik Emam said while they acknowledge the need to hold leaders accountable for their actions, they strongly condemn the ICC's decision to target President Putin.

"The ICC's actions demonstrate a clear bias against certain countries and individuals, which undermines the court's legitimacy and credibility," said Shaik Emam.

The party said they believe the ICC's failure to hold Western leaders accountable for their crimes against humanity is a prime example of the court’s inherent bias.

"Former US President George W. Bush and former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, who are responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people in Iraq, remain free from any legal consequences for their actions. The ICC's selective approach to justice undermines the credibility of the court and raises questions about its impartiality," read the party statement.

Shaik Emam said they are also concerned about the timing of the arrest warrant. There is a definite attempt to undermine the growth and power of the BRICS nations, especially because of their growing influence in the Middle East.

"Furthermore, President Putin is scheduled to attend the BRICS Summit in Durban, South Africa, in August. The NFP asserts that we should not allow our diplomatic relations and foreign policy to be dictated by a court that refuses to issue warrants of arrest for consecutive Israeli governments that murder and kill Palestinians with impunity," added Shaik Emam.

The party said that they urged the South African government to not be bullied by the ICC and Western nations.

The party added that as South Africa is a member of the Rome Statute, it is expected by this impartial and unjust court to arrest Putin when he lands in South Africa.

"However, the NFP implores the Department of International Relations and Cooperation to stand by our values and refuse to do so. Furthermore, we urgently encourage DIRCO to take the necessary steps to leave the Rome Statute, as it no longer represents the values and views of the entire world, especially the Global South," said the statement.

The NFP reiterates its commitment to promoting international justice and human rights, but we also call for a fair and unbiased approach to justice.

The Star