Kabelo Mabalane reflects on sobriety journey

Kabelo Mabalane

Kabelo Mabalane

Published Sep 14, 2023


Johannesburg - Former TKZee kwaito sensation Kabelo Mabalane has spoken candidly about his sobriety journey after reaching a 21-year milestone.

Mabalane, who recently marked his 50th race at the 2023 Sanlam Cape Town Marathon, also shared why running was an essential part of his journey.

He reflected on his first marathon which, he said, changed his life forever, having assisted him in establishing this lifelong commitment.

From crossing his first marathon finish line in 2006, the music starturned-pastor said applying endurance running principles to conquer life’s steep inclines helped him reach his major accolade.

Speaking about his sobriety journey, he said it declared hope and possibility.

“Early in my sobriety, I realised that being and staying sober was about more than just me. It was about the community and those struggling with addiction and showing those around me that staying clean is possible.

“My sobriety journey declared hope and possibility. I wanted to show people that if I can stay clean for 10 or even 21 years, they can too. So, my journey represents hope to those waiting to see if staying clean for an extended period is attainable and inspires them to take that first step,” he said.

Asked if his running experiences translated to real-life challenges, he said: “Absolutely, numerous times. I’ve faced countless challenging times in life, similar to running challenges, and, in those instances, the same running principles apply – digging deep, enduring another ‘kilometre’, and pushing forward.”

Mabalane added that the ability to persevere got honed every time one endured on the track and translated to real-life situations, revealing that it was about finding that inner strength and pushing forward.

He further shared advice for those starting or thinking of starting their sobriety journey.

“We often ask the wrong questions. It’s not about what you want. Instead, you should ask what you’re willing to pay to achieve it. Everything has a price, and if you’re not prepared to make the necessary sacrifices, you must accept the outcome. This mindset applies to everything from staying clean to running marathons.”

The 2023 Sanlam Marathon, on October 14 and 15, is taking on its second year as an Abbott World Marathon Majors Candidate to become Africa’s first World Marathon Major.

Runners can tackle the Gold Label Status Road Marathon, the 10km or 5km Peace Runs, or one of the three incredible trail races, where they’ll be part of a historical event that showcases Cape Town’s beauty and diversity.

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