Independent Media demands retraction and apology for defamatory claims in the ICFJ Journalism ‘Big Data Case Study’



Published May 30, 2024


Independent Media strongly condemns the unethical and biased research practices evident in a recent report on the online harassment faced by journalists working for the Daily Maverick. The International Centre for Journalists (ICFJ) report, titled "The women journalists of South Africa's Daily Maverick: SEXUALIZED, SILENCED AND LABELED SATAN," makes false and defamatory allegations about Independent Media without any substantiation or opportunity for response.

In a blatant violation of basic research ethics, the report, which was ostensibly about the abuse faced by Daily Maverick journalists, deviated from its primary focus and singled out Independent Media for criticism, implicating our company in alleged attacks on journalists. These claims are utterly baseless and untrue. Independent Media has never condoned or engaged in the harassment of journalists. In fact, our own journalists, particularly women, have themselves been victims of such harassment.

Given the well-known hostile relations between Daily Maverick and Independent Media, the critique of Independent Media within a report focusing on Daily Maverick journalists is patently biased. While discussing the broader media environment can provide context, the focus on Independent Media raises serious questions about the impartiality of the researchers and the necessity of including our company in this particular study.

It is deeply disappointing that Prof. Julie Reid, Prof. Julie Posetti, Dr. Diana Maynard, Nabeelah Shabbir, and Don Kevin Hapal have chosen to weaponise this report as a propaganda tool, rather than contributing to a constructive dialogue on the critical issue of journalist abuse. The conduct of the ICFJ and its researchers is highly unethical, particularly the unnecessary invocation of our company's name when it is not directly relevant to the study.

We demand an immediate retraction of all claims made about Independent Media in the report, as well as a public apology to our journalists who have been unfairly maligned by association. The report's authors and affiliated institutions must clarify why Independent Media was inappropriately invoked in a study purportedly focused on a competing media company. They must also disclose any conflicts of interest, funding sources, or political motivations that may have compromised the impartiality of the research.

Independent Media stands in solidarity with all journalists who face harassment and threats for doing their work, something our journalists have experienced too, including death threats and attempts on the lives of some of our reporters.

For the record, Independent Media employs more female reporters and editors than any other media house in South Africa and has been at the forefront of pioneering award-winning gender based violence awareness campaigns, such as the Don’t Look Away Campaign. We have also been recognised for our anti-racism lobbying.

We have spoken up and out against corruption too.

We are not afraid to speak out when the truth matters, such as now. We cannot accept the unethical practice of making grave accusations without evidence or due process.

The ICFJ and the report's authors have failed in their basic duty of care as researchers.

We therefore call on the ICFJ, the research team, and their affiliated institutions to address these lapses transparently and take immediate corrective action. Failure to do so would further undermine the credibility of the study and compound the harm done to Independent Media and our journalists.

Independent Media remains committed to the highest standards of journalism ethics and to the safety and well-being of all journalists. We will continue to advocate for fair and responsible research practices in the study of these vital issues.

While the report is dressed in a cloak of "independence" through the use of researchers and academia, we believe that this "independence" was merely a cover to legitimise the ongoing propaganda attacks against Independent Media.

Issued by

Independent Media

30 May 2024