Have your say on sex work

Department of Justice and Constitutional Development opens the sex work bill for public comment. Picture: Elmer Martinez.

Department of Justice and Constitutional Development opens the sex work bill for public comment. Picture: Elmer Martinez.

Published Dec 11, 2022


Johannesburg – Have your say on sex work now the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development has invited interested parties to submit written comments on the proposed Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Bill, 2022.

According to the department, the purpose of the bill is to repeal the Sexual Offences Act, 1957 (Act No 23 of 1957) as well as Section 11 of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act 2007 (Act No 32 of 2007) to decriminalise the sale and purchase of adult sexual services and to provide for matters connected therewith.

"The bill only decriminalises sex work insofar as it relates to the buying and selling of adult sexual services. Engaging in sexual services with children or persons who are mentally disabled remains an offence under the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act, 2007," said the department.

The department said that members of the public are encouraged to participate in the legislative development process by making inputs based on facts in order to improve the bill.

Comments must be submitted to the chief directorate office of the Legislative Development Department by January 31.

The Star

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sex work