5 must-eat foods for healthy, glowing skin this winter

Winter can be tough on our skin. Picture: Adrienne Andersen/Pexels

Winter can be tough on our skin. Picture: Adrienne Andersen/Pexels

Published Jul 16, 2024


Winter can be tough on our skin. Cold winds, dry indoor air, and chilly temperatures leave our skin feeling dry and looking dull.

But did you know that what you eat can make a big difference in how your skin looks and feels during winter? The saying “you are what you eat” truly comes to life when we think about our skin health.

Many times, we eat just to be full, not to nourish our bodies. This often leads to problems like breakouts, dry and flaky skin, bad breath, and dull hair. These issues arise because we are not giving our bodies the nutrients they need.

To keep your skin glowing and healthy, you need to care for it on the outside with good skincare ingredients and on the inside with a healthy diet.

Hormones play a key role in many body functions, including skin health. According to South African brand Kiko Vitals, imbalances in hormones such as oestrogen and cortisol can cause skin issues like dryness, acne, and heightened sensitivity.

These problems often worsen during winter due to low humidity and cold weather. Therefore, keeping your hormones balanced is essential.

Tips for keeping your skin healthy in winter

Hydrate inside and out: Drink plenty of water and use a thick moisturiser to fight dryness.

Avoid hot showers: Use lukewarm water to avoid stripping your skin of its natural oils.

Use a humidifier: Add moisture to the air in your home to help your skin stay hydrated.

Gentle exfoliation: Exfoliate once a week to remove dead skin cells and promote new cell growth.

Sun protection: Keep using sunscreen to shield your skin from UV damage, even on cloudy days.

Recommended ingredients for winter skincare

Hyaluronic acid: Keeps your skin plump and hydrated by retaining moisture.

Ceramides: Strengthen the skin barrier to prevent moisture loss.

Glycerin: Draws moisture to the skin for long-lasting hydration.

Vitamin C: Brightens your skin and protects against environmental damage.

Shea Butter: Nourishes and soothes dry, irritated skin.

Top 5 Foods for healthy winter skin


The monounsaturated fats in avocados help maintain the lipid barrier of the skin, ensuring it stays supple and hydrated. This is crucial for preventing dryness and maintaining elasticity.

The monounsaturated fats in avocados help maintain the lipid barrier of the skin, ensuring it stays supple and hydrated. Picture: Andy/Pexels

Vitamin E

Acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting the skin from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. This helps reduce the appearance of ageing signs and minimizes environmental damage.

Vitamin C

Vital for the synthesis of collagen, a protein that promotes skin firmness and elasticity. Vitamin C also serves as an antioxidant that protects against UV-induced damage and supports skin repair.

Sweet potatoes

This precursor to vitamin A is essential for skin health. It promotes cell turnover and renewal, leading to fresher, more youthful skin. Additionally, beta-carotene helps protect the skin from sun exposure, acting as a natural sunscreen.

Vitamin A

Plays a vital role in the development and maintenance of skin cells. It ensures old and dead skin cells are replaced with new ones, maintaining a smooth and vibrant complexion.

Nuts and seeds

They are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential for keeping the skin hydrated and maintaining its elasticity. These fats can also reduce the risk of inflammation and acne.

Vitamin E

Found abundantly in almonds and sunflower seeds, it helps protect skin cells from oxidative stress, slowing down the ageing process.

Oily fish

These crucial fats, help reduce inflammation in the skin, avoiding conditions such as psoriasis and acne. They also keep the skin moisturised and supple.

Vitamin D

Abundant in oily fish, it’s essential for skin cell growth and repair, enhancing skin health and reducing the risk of skin disorders.

Leafy greens are full of vitamins and minerals essential for overall skin health:

Vitamin A: Found in leafy greens like spinach and kale, it keeps skin cells healthy and aids in the repair of skin tissue.

Vitamin C: Also present in these greens, it’s needed for collagen production, providing structural support to the skin and promoting healing and repair.

Vitamin K: Supports skin healing processes and reduces the appearance of dark circles and bruises.

Iron and folate: Contribute to healthy blood circulation, ensuring that the skin receives adequate nutrients and oxygen, which are vital for maintaining a glowing complexion.