Q: For property investors either new to the game or looking to capitalise on future trends, where are good sectors to direct our money?

Published Sep 22, 2020


A: Studentor communal accommodation is one sector bound to offer good future returns. People will continue travelling into cities for education and demand for rentals by the room is rising.

Suburban homes offering security, gardens and garages will also be good bets as they can be used for small home schools and crèches, the demand for which is also increasing.

Other sectors investors should consider include:

◆ Commercial properties in the CBD: space can be reconverted into urban farms and apartments.

◆ Industrial properties that have shut down: industrial parks can be converted into urban farms and maker spaces.

◆ Data-rich homes for hot-desking: these can also be tiny and

container homes.

Merle O’Brien, principal futurist and head of foresight and innovation at Creation iLabs

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