Redi Tlhabi: True and heartbreaking tale of African woman who lost her way

Former President Jacob Zuma with Redi Tlhabi. Picture. Talk Radio 702

Former President Jacob Zuma with Redi Tlhabi. Picture. Talk Radio 702

Published Oct 2, 2023


Award-winning journalist Redi Tlhabi has come under fire for her recent appearance before the US House of Representatives.

Columnist Larmbert Ebitu boldly said that Tlhabi was invited to “slavishly demonise not only South Africa, but also other African states and people”.

He went on to pin point aspects of Tlhabi’s conduct on the day.

Ebitu said Redi's slavish role was immediately obvious when, instead of self-respectfully frowning at the mispronunciation of her name by Rep. James, the Chairman, she sheepishly giggled and thanked him.

The writer said despite years of experience in radio journalism and being an author, Redi managed to read her speech of her cellphone accusing her of presenting a speech which was “hastily ghost written for her.”

Tearing apart the delivery of the speech, the writer accused Redi of dramatically nodding even to the most inconsequential phrases of her script and mispronouncing the Madagascar.

Providing the reader with options as to why Redi was used to weaponise against SA, the writer asked:

“Was she paid to spew these falsehoods against her homeland, her continent, and her country's steadfast ally, Russia?

“Was she promised a job in an American media corporation?

“What led to her treachery and blatant blackmail of her own country and other countries in Africa?”

In providing one scenario, the writer says that there is a familiar script, where blacks, hungry for recognition and wealth, are co-opted to betray their own for the promise of a comfortable life in the West, for the trappings of success and fame.

The writer accused Redi of being apart of the Western syndicate to character assassinate former President Jacob Zuma and portray him as a rapist.

He claimed it was the ghost-written book about Zuma's accuser to paint Zuma as a rapist that earned her the cushy life in the United States.

He then goes on to add that Redi's entire inner circle of the Clever Blacks, “a cabal of blacks who aspire to whiteness and who together colluded to bring down President Zuma, were rewarded with white husbands and quickly relocated to the West”.

He said Redi’s journey is a true and heartbreaking tale of an African woman who, in her own right, was a promising prospect but sadly lost her way.

“She now serves as a poignant lesson for Africans, especially our ambitious young women. Trips to Western capitals, visas for Western residency, and like Nomboniso and Palesa (Morudu), the gift of old white husbands should not mislead them to betray their countries and continent.

“As for us, we must not only remain vigilant but must confront this vile syndicate of the West to weaponise our own against us.”

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