Social media on election day: Do’s and Don’ts

A voter gets their thumb marked during previous elections. File Picture: Karen Sandison

A voter gets their thumb marked during previous elections. File Picture: Karen Sandison

Published May 28, 2024


To ensure legal compliance and to support a free and fair electoral process, it is essential to be aware of what content is acceptable to post on social media on election day, May 29.

Understanding these guidelines guarantee that voters can make informed decisions free from undue influence or misinformation, and it also helps to maintain the integrity of the electoral process.

What you can post

Personal voting

Sharing that you have voted, without revealing how you voted, is generally acceptable. Posts expressing excitement about participating in the democratic process or encouraging others to vote are also fine.

General information

Sharing factual information about voting locations, voting hours and the importance of voting can be helpful to others.

Election updates

Promoting civic involvement and voter turnout without endorsing particular candidates or political parties is acceptable.


When casting a ballot, voters may want to wear party apparel from their respective political parties. When voting or within the boundaries of the voting station, party agents and candidates are not permitted to wear any party-related clothing.

What you cannot post

Ballot selfies

In many jurisdictions, taking videos and posting photos of your marked ballot is illegal. This is to prevent vote buying and to maintain voter privacy.


Posting content that advocates for or against a candidate or a party close to or within the voting places is prohibited. This includes campaign slogans, endorsements, or negative statements about candidates.


Sharing false or misleading information about the voting process, such as incorrect voting times or locations is illegal and disenfranchises voters.


Anything that could be interpreted as intimidating voters, such as force and violence or threats, is not allowed.

On election day, using social media responsibly and critically can be a powerful tool for promoting democratic participation. Following these guidelines can help ensure a transparent and fair electoral process. While it is good to encourage others to vote and share your experience, it is important to refrain from taking any actions that might compromise the election's integrity or improperly influence others.

IOL Elections