PSA supports decision to block single-source school food tender

Public Servants Association (PSA) said it supports the decision by the Minister of Basic Education to block the R10 million tender for a single supplier to provide school food.

Public Servants Association (PSA) said it supports the decision by the Minister of Basic Education to block the R10 million tender for a single supplier to provide school food.

Published Aug 21, 2024


Public Servants Association (PSA) said it supports the decision by the Minister of Basic Education to block the R10 million tender for a single supplier to provide school food.

The PSA said it applauded minister Siviwe Gwarube’s prudent decision to block the tender.

“This bold move prevents a potential repeat of the Bosasa scandal and ensures that public funds are used responsibly. The PSA shares the minister’s concerns about the tender process and the potential for corruption.”

The PSA added that transparency, accountability and fair competition are essential in government procurement processes.

“By blocking this tender, the minister demonstrates a commitment to protecting the public purse and upholding the principles of good governance. The PSA supports the minister’s efforts to ensure that school food programmes benefit learners and communities rather than enriching a single supplier.”

The PSA urged the Department of Basic Education to re-examine the tender process, ensuring that it is fair, transparent, and in line with procurement regulations.

“The PSA also calls for the involvement of teachers, parents and communities in the decision-making process to ensure that school food programmes meet the needs of learners.”

The Mercury