WATCH: Tips on how to make your ponytail look fuller

there are numerous effective techniques to give your ponytail the boost it needs, making it appear fuller. Picture: YouTube

there are numerous effective techniques to give your ponytail the boost it needs, making it appear fuller. Picture: YouTube

Published Jun 6, 2024


Most of us have felt a twinge of envy when we see someone with a perfectly voluminous ponytail while ours appears thin and lacklustre.

If your ponytail tends to be more limp than lively, take comfort in knowing you are not alone.

Ponytail envy is a common sentiment, but there's good news for those with finer hair – there are numerous effective techniques to give your ponytail the boost it needs, making it appear fuller than ever.

Here are a few celebrity hacks to add bounce to your ponytail:

Lift it up

A common issue for those with fine hair is that it falls flat in a ponytail. To prevent a droopy ponytail, try lifting it up. Simply use two hair ties; doubling up provides extra support. Alternatively, use bobby pins to create an X at the base of the ponytail to give it a lift.

Use a volumizing spray

Apply a volumising spray or mousse to your hair before blow drying. This can lift the roots and give your ponytail a fuller look.

Double up

You can also create the illusion of a fuller ponytail by doubling up. Divide your hair into two sections, tie off the top section, and then tie off the bottom section. The top ponytail will fall over the bottom one, making it look like a single, thicker ponytail.

Curl before styling

Curling your hair with a curling iron before tying it back can add volume and texture, making your ponytail look thicker.

Stack sections

Teasing your ponytail can add volume, but if you only backcomb one section, you’re not maximising its potential. Instead, divide your hair into three sections and tease each one for maximum volume.

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