Black Friday: In-store vs online shopping tips

Online shopping is a far more relaxing shopping experience. (Picture: Pexels)

Online shopping is a far more relaxing shopping experience. (Picture: Pexels)

Published Nov 26, 2019


Whether you’re doing a bit of early Christmas shopping or spoiling yourself with that one item you’ve been eyeing but couldn’t afford, you’re probably one of the millions of people out there who are eagerly awaiting for Black Friday on Friday, November 29. 

In the past we’ve seen shoppers storming into stores after waiting for hours for it open, followed by absolute chaos as eager shoppers push and pull in an attempt to get to their products before stock runs out. Unless you’re very brave and patient, it’s not an experience most are keen to endure. 

Best to be comfortable when hitting the stores on Black Friday. (Picture: Leon Lestrade/African News Agency/ANA)

If on the other hand you’re up to it and have items on your list that you simply cannot miss out on, then here are some tips on how to survive:

Wear comfortable shoes. Unless you’re a pro on heels, it’s best to wear your flats or better, yet, sneakers. 

The same applies to clothes. Comfort is key. Do you want your breasts to pop out as you’re reaching for that last pack of nappies? 

Eat a good breakfast before you head out and remain hydrated. Always have a bottle of water at hand.

Have your shopping list in hand and stick to it. It’s very easy to get distracted by goodies you had no intention of buying and ending up spending way over your budget. 

The in-store madness is a major reason why more people are opting to do their Black Friday shopping online. 

No crowds. No queues. No overspending. 

As awesome at it might sound, online sale shopping has its own drawbacks.

In the same way that you need to be well prepared for in-store shopping, you need to have a plan in place for online shopping. 

Here are some tricks and tips you need to know before hitting the "buy" button:

Do you know exactly what you want? Then make a list. Your list can be broken down into wish or need, it can be vague (for example: toaster) or it can be item and brand specific. 

Then of course there is your budget. Even though it’s a sale, you’re not necessarily going to get what you want for a song but you need to know what your limit is. 

Make full use of the wish list functions that many websites now offer. This is a great way to earmark items as you browse your favourite sites. 

Even after you’ve done your online wish lists it’s a good idea to jot down what items you’ve ticked off and from what site. This will give you a clear indication as to what and exactly where your desired objects are. 

Look out for the best deals. Retailers and online shopping websites have been flashing deals on all your media platforms. There are a few who will only reveal their big deals on the day itself. 

Now is the time to, with list in hand, check out all deals on the products you have on your list to find the best deal for you. Of course, the aim being to find the lowest price for the precise item in mind. 

In some cases the Black Friday prices are not that much better than sale prices you’ll find any other time of the year. Is anything discounted less than 40% really worth it? 

Be careful about buying cosmetic products online. (Picture: Pexels)

There are a few products that you might want to check out in store before purchasing online. 

Ladies get really excited about makeup and beauty products going on sale. But items like foundation and perfume are just two products that have to be tested in store before you click the “add to basket” button online. 

Same applies to buying a bra. Pop into the store before the big sales, try it on and make a note of the correct size. 

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