How to take care of your cuticles to ensure healthy nails

It’s important to take care of your cuticles. Picture: Pexels Karolina Grabowska

It’s important to take care of your cuticles. Picture: Pexels Karolina Grabowska

Published Aug 2, 2023


When it comes to hands, there’s nothing more unsightly than unkempt cuticles.

Besides what it looks like, cuticles in fact play a crucial role in maintaining the health of our nails. Neglecting them can cause dryness, hangnails, and infections.

Therefore, it’s essential to incorporate proper cuticle care into your nail care routine.

Here are effective tips and techniques for taking care of your cuticles, ensuring your nails remain healthy.

Take care of your cuticles to ensure that your nails remain healthy. Picture: Pexels Angela Roma

Always be gentle

When caring for your cuticles, always handle them with gentle movements.

Avoid picking, biting, or forcefully pushing the cuticles, as these actions can cause damage and lead to infections.

Avoid excessive cutting

While it may be tempting to trim cuticles, it is best to avoid excessive cutting.

Cuticles act as a protective barrier against bacteria and fungus. Cutting them extensively can increase the risk of infection and other nail issues.

Instead, gently push back the cuticles using a cuticle pusher or an orangewood stick after a warm bath or shower when they are soft.

Keep them hydrated

Moisturising the cuticles is crucial for maintaining their health and preventing dryness.

Regularly massage a nourishing cuticle oil or cream into the cuticles and surrounding areas.

These moisturisers provide hydration, help retain moisture, and promote healthy growth.

Regularly massage a nourishing cuticle oil into the cuticles. Picture: Pexels Karolina Grabowska

Avoid harsh nail products

Certain nail products, such as acetone-based polish removers, can strip away natural oils and leave the cuticles dry.

Opt for acetone-free removers or gentle nail polish removers that are less harsh on the cuticles.

Regular nail care routine

Incorporating a regular nail care routine into your self-care regimen can help keep your cuticles looking their best.

This routine can include gentle nail filing to smooth the edges, regular trimming of nails, applying a base coat before nail polish application, and utilising a good quality hand lotion to keep the hands and cuticles hydrated.