Does your home need a spring clean? Here’s how to get going

It’s time to freshen up your home. Picture: Pexels Cottonbro

It’s time to freshen up your home. Picture: Pexels Cottonbro

Published Sep 2, 2022


Everybody’s talking about spring right now. A time for a change. A time for new beginnings. People are going back to the gym to get back in shape. Others are starting to eat healthy again.

Basically giving their lives a spring clean.

Spring-cleaning your home should be on that list as well.

If you’re not one to regularly deep-clean your home or allow stuff to pile up and just clutter your space, now’s a great time to inject freshness back into your home.

And no, spraying out a bottle of air freshener isn’t going to do the trick.

If you’re not a regular cleaner, then this process can be daunting.

So where do you begin to spring-clean your home? Here are a few tips on how to get going.

Don’t just think about it. Do it!

This might sound like an obvious thing to do, but you would be surprised how many people say things like, “I should really wash the curtains” and simply not do it. Set a date. Put time aside. And do it!

Get the right tools for the job

Now, this might sound like yet another obvious tip, but again, you’d be surprised at how many don’t own basic cleaning tools, such as a good mop or even a proper broom. Toilet brushes, a broom and dustbin, a mop and bucket, sponges and cloths, is what every home needs.

You can’t get going without a good broom. Picture: Pexels Cottonbro

Cleaning products are essential

There’s no point in having all these tools if you don’t have the correct cleaning products. There are many fancy products on the market, but you really only need a few to get your home spotless. These include baking soda, white vinegar, dishwashing liquid, chlorine bleach and an all-purpose cleaner.

Vinegar is essential. Picture: Pexels Cottonbro

Pace yourself

Tackle your home one room at a time. Focus on one area and try not to get distracted. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself hopping between spaces, which will only leave you feeling exhausted and not getting much done. There’s no need to clean the entire house in one day either.

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