WATCH: Prince Harry opens up to James Corden about why he moved to LA

Prince Harry. YouTube Screenshot

Prince Harry. YouTube Screenshot

Published Feb 26, 2021


Britian’s Prince Harry has made an appearance on the “The Late, Late Show” with James Corden.

During the segment, Harry joins James on an adventure in Los Angeles where they visit the mansion where the exterior shots for “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” was filmed, chat about life after stepping back from his royal duties, and both of them take part in bootcamp-style adventure course.

The interview segment saw James and his royal guest take a tour of Los Angeles on an open-topped bus, much to Harry's delight.

He initially quipped: "This is subtle, where's the Range Rover?"

He later said: "This is very nice ... it's the first time I've been on an open-top bus ... not really allowed to. In London I always see them cruising around with tourists, and thought that would be really good fun because when you live in an area, you never actually go sightseeing. I've always wanted to go sightseeing."

And Harry admitted the interview gave him the first real opportunity to see the sights of his new home town.

James asked: "Have you spent much time over in this part of LA, where we are now, since you moved here?"

Harry replied: "No, it's been lockdown. This is the first time I've had a chance to see LA!"

The pair made a stop at the house used in “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” for a bathroom break – where Harry rapped the first verse of the show's iconic theme song.

And later, when they Facetimed Harry's wife, James tried to convince the former Suits actress that they should buy the house.

He exclaimed: "You'd be the Fresh Princess of Bel-Air."

Meghan joked: "That's wonderful, I think we've done enough moving. Haz, how's your tour of LA going?"

Quickly picking up on the nickname, James said: "Haz? I didn't know we were calling you that."

His guest jokingly replied: "Well, you're not my wife."

Harry also shared about the reason for their move, stating the mental health impact of what his family was going through added to their decision to move to LA.

While many fans of the royals have wondered if members of the royal family watch “The Crown” on Netflix, it looks like Harry might be one who does,

When asked by Corden about the show, Harry made it clear the show is fiction, however, he did mention that there is some truth in the show.

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prince harry