Prince Kaybee defends his comments on Zodwa Wabantu and Vusi’s drama

Prince Kaybee. Picture: Instagram

Prince Kaybee. Picture: Instagram

Published Aug 12, 2020


Award-winning music producer Prince Kaybee defended the comments he made on Zodwa Wabantu and Vusi Ngubane.

This comes after Kaybee took to Twitter to give his opinion which did not sit well with some social media users.

Zodwa and Vusi hit the top of the trends list this week after Zodwa released a video claiming her ex-boyfriend was a fraudster.

A visibly upset Zodwa said, “Vusi, I am not scared, I have been quiet but listen here, I want the police and anyone who sees you to catch you. You are a fraudster.

“You are young and I have been thinking about your future and I have not wanted to do anything that will make me look crazy but I have proof that you are a fraudster.”

She went on further to say that she opened a case against him. She also said that Vusi purchased a new Audi using her name.

Following Zodwa’s claims, many Twitter users started praising Vusi and a debate ensued.

Kaybee got involved in that debate by saying that the #VusiForPresident hashtag was wrong.

“That #VusiForPresident hashtag is wrong gents. We can’t invest in “hype hate” like this, we can’t celebrate men for hurting women or women for hurting men. There’s something deeply wrong with us if toxic r/ships excite us”, he tweeted.


When radio personality Aldrin Sampear responded saying he could not call their relationship toxic, Kaybee defended his statement.

“One of the words used to describe toxic is “harmful”, I believe the nature of events that took place are harmful to both parties hence they were entangled in a toxic contract”, said Kaybee.


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zodwa wabantu