Sentencing of bogus traditional surgeons to long jail terms hailed

Four men who committed traditional circumcision offences that led to severe assaults and death were sentenced in the Mbizana Regional Court.

Four men who committed traditional circumcision offences that led to severe assaults and death were sentenced in the Mbizana Regional Court.

Published Sep 27, 2024


The Eastern Cape department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) has welcomed the sentencing of four men who committed traditional circumcision offences that led to severe assaults and death.

This is after senior prosecutor Nkululeko Mathenjwa argued at the Mbizana Regional Court for an appropriate sentence, stating that the death of initiates at the hands of reckless bogus traditional surgeons and nurses had reached epidemic proportions.

Non-registered traditional surgeon, Yongama Mdludla, was sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment after pleading guilty to contravening the Customary Initiation Act 02 of 2021 and culpable homicide.

The 21-year-old’s accomplices, Yamkela Bentswana, 27, and Mihlali Khiphi, 24, were sentenced to eight years behind bars.

This was for their roles in the death of initiate Mvuyisi Dingile, 17, in November last year.

National Prosecuting Authority regional spokesperson Luxolo Tyali said Mdludla was the principal of a non-registered initiation school in Mfuleni Location, Mbizana district.

“He accepted six boys, including the deceased, without medical certificates, as required by the act.

After they were circumcised by the non-registered traditional surgeon, Bentswana and Khiphi then came to assist Mdludla to look after the initiates. The deceased started to hallucinate at night,” he said.

“All three accused started to assault him with hands and sticks until he died at the initiation school.

Cause of death, according to the post-mortem, was severe assault.”

According to Tyali, a day before the sentencing of the three men, the same court sentenced Luthando Madikizela, 33, to eight years, four of which was suspended for four years, for contravention of the Customary Initiation Act 02 of 2021. “Madikizela also pleaded guilty accepting that as a registered traditional surgeon he was approached by the principal of an illegal initiation school, Mdudla, who requested him to circumcise four under-aged boys. He agreed and proceeded to circumcise them.”

Eastern Cape Director of Public Prosecutions, Barry Madolo, commended all involved in the successful prosecution adding “the sentences were a clear indication that the courts are taking traditional circumcision-related cases seriously”.

The province contributes to high records of deaths among initiates in South Africa yearly. A total of 14 initiates died and more than 30, mostly schoolboys, were rescued during the recent winter initiation season which concluded in July.

Cogta MEC Zolile Williams said the sentence sent an unequivocal message to would-be-perpetrators to refrain from blemishing and desecrating a sacred tradition.

“We can’t afford to lose young lives because of transgressions relating to deaths which can be avoided. The offences relate to illegal circumcision of underage teenagers who are being abducted without the knowledge and consent of the parents. The perpetrators are untrained traditional surgeons without certificates. The imposters kidnap teenagers not screened by doctors before undergoing the rite of passage to manhood.

“Over and above the illegality, the hoodlums, after committing the crime, assault the initiates, deprive them of water and violate their human rights. Parents who collude with the perpetrators by withdrawing cases are liable for prosecution should it be found in the opinion of the court that they’re defeating the ends of justice,” said Williams .

“Parents must verify the credentials of traditional surgeons before entrusting the lives of their kids to them. Municipality Speakers and Ward Committees must be strictly involved in the registration of the initiation schools,” he added.

Cape Times