Koeberg Nuclear Power Station Unit 2 experiences 'unexpected' trip; threat of loadshedding remain low

Koeberg Unit 2 tripped during the execution of work on Unit 1, which is currently offline, says Eskom.

Koeberg Unit 2 tripped during the execution of work on Unit 1, which is currently offline, says Eskom.

Published 23h ago


Staff Writer 

ESKOM hopes to reconnect Unit 2 of the Koeberg Nuclear Power Station to the national grid within 48 hours following what the utility company described as an unplanned, non-technical trip while operating at full capacity on Sunday.

“Koeberg Unit 2 inadvertently tripped during the execution of work on Unit 1, which is currently offline for work to be conducted as part of its Long-Term Operation (LTO) program. Unit 2 was safely shut down in accordance with its protection protocols, ensuring continued stability and security,” Eskom said in a statement on Sunday.

While the trip has not necessitated the implementation of loadshedding, Eskom said the generation capacity remained constrained. 

“The company continues to maintain high levels of maintenance, averaging 7 032MW in February. These efforts are key to enhancing fleet reliability ahead of increased winter demand while also meeting environmental licence conditions and regulatory requirements.

"Eskom assures the public that Koeberg Nuclear Power Station maintains the highest safety standards as evidenced by the management of today’s event.” 

In its update on Friday, Eskom confirmed it was on track to replenish emergency reserves in preparation for the next business week.

“This is part of efforts to improve fleet reliability in preparation for the high winter demand. There is a heightened focus to return units to service as part of the Generation Recovery Plan, which has been in place since March 2023. The strategic use of peaking stations remains key in managing electricity demand, especially during the evening peak period (5pm to 10pm).” 

Cape Times

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