President Ramaphosa to visit George building collapse site

Thirty-three people have been declared deceased, while 12 others are currently hospitalised. Nineteen people remain unaccounted for. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane / Independent Newspapers

Thirty-three people have been declared deceased, while 12 others are currently hospitalised. Nineteen people remain unaccounted for. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane / Independent Newspapers

Published May 15, 2024


Cape Town – Joining his ministers who have already been on site, President Cyril Ramaphosa will visit the George building collapse site on Thursday.

While rescue workers and other role-players are hard at work on the George site for more than 211 hours since the incident, the Presidency announced on Wednesday morning that the president would visit the area.

The latest update reports that of the 81 people estimated to be on-site when the incident occurred, 62 have been rescued and recovered.

Thirty-three have been declared deceased, while 12 others are currently hospitalised. Nineteen people remain unaccounted for.

According to the statement from the Garden Route District Joint Operations Committee (JOC) and George Municipality, only 47 victims have been linked to their families.

“The identification of the deceased is the joint responsibility of SAPS and the Western Cape Department of Health and Wellness FPS (which also manages the visual identification in support of SAPS).

“After an incident such as this, visual identification can understandably be difficult and traumatic for family members and requires SAPS to undertake identification through scientific means, of which DNA testing is one method.

“We urge the media and public to please respect the families of the deceased while we facilitate the identification process with SAPS,” they said.

“The Garden Route District JOC's adherence to a stringent double verification protocol is crucial for maintaining the integrity and accuracy of reported numbers of the deceased, which is essential in emergency and disaster response scenarios.

“This verification process involves cross-referencing information from multiple reliable sources, such as recovery teams, hospitals, and forensic services.”

Since the fatal incident on Monday, May 6, the government and its disaster management agencies have mobilised personnel and resources towards the rescue efforts and provided support to the survivors and families of the deceased.

“President Ramaphosa remains deeply attentive to the rescue and recovery efforts under way and has expressed his deep condolences to the family and friends of the deceased workers,” the Presidency said.

Ahead of Ramaphosa’s visit on Thursday, ministers and deputy ministers in the departments of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Employment and Labour, Health, Police, International Relations and Co-operation, and Public Works and Infrastructure have visited the site.

The visit of the president to the disaster site will proceed with a visit to the Disaster JOC at 10.30am at the Eden Disaster Operations Centre.

At around midday Ramaphosa is expected to visit the disaster site and meet with the affected families.

The George Municipality, meanwhile, has confirmed that the donations of fresh food received for the affected families who remain in the George Civic Centre are adequate.

“The families remain supported and provided with meals. However, for those still willing to contribute, donations may be redirected to AFM (AGS) Soteria Church at 27 Victoria Street in George.

“The Western Cape Department of Social Development has indicated that a comprehensive range of services will continue to be made available to the affected families for a minimum of six months.”

Cape Argus