WATCH: Giuseppe Conte comes to Italy's rescue a week after his resignation

Italian President Mattarella meets PM Conte, in Rome

Italian President Mattarella meets PM Conte, in Rome

Published Aug 29, 2019


Italy’s leadership crisis has experienced a dramatic turn, as Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte returned to patch things together.

In the past two weeks, Italy was confronted with a number of challenges when opposition parties could not reach an agreement on the future of its leadership.This follows the resignation of Conte, who left the government in limbo and near collapse.

His resignation followed a decision by the far-right League party to present a no-confidence motion in the 14-month old coalition government. 

In a speech before the Italian Senate, Conte blamed his deputy prime minister, Matteo Salvini for almost collapsing the Italian government.

He further accused him of being irresponsible and putting “his own interests and those of his party” ahead of Italy’s, at the risk of political and financial instability. 

“I'm ending this government experience here," Conte said. 

“It is irresponsible to initiate a government crisis, has shown that he is following his own interests and those of his party," he added. 

Following weeks of hostility between the two ruling parties, Salvini needed a snap election earlier this month.

Conte however made a comeback on Wednesday morning, when he met with Italy’s president Sergio Mattarella. Conte accepted from his leader a mandate to form a new coalition government. 


Conte’s new government will comprise of the Five Star Movement (M5S) and the center-left opposition Democratic Party (PD). 

Conte has however accepted his position on the condition that he immediately work with all parliamentary groups. He also charged that Italy return to being an advocate for Europe and "a country which is open to everyone." 

“This is a moment for courage and determination, a determination which will not be dogged by obstacles,” he said.

 President Mattarella expressed confidence in Conte, following their meeting on Thursday. He said Italy had to make up for lost time as it was in a "very delicate phase". 

“It will be a government for the good of the citizens, to modernise the country, to make our nation even more competitive internationally, but also more just, more supportive and more inclusive,” said Mattarella. 

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